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Training Guide Evaluation - Module 6: Integrated/Comprehensive Planning

This evaluation form is intended to collect feedback on the resources of the Training Guide Module 6, Integrated/Comprehensive Planning.  Please complete this form if you have used any or all of this module to train planning council or planning body members or staff, or to train recipient staff, or if you have used or shared these materials for other training or capacity building purposes.

Your feedback is important to us and will help us provide high quality resources in the future.  All of your responses will be kept confidential and will only be presented in summary form.  Thank you!
The purpose of this module is to describe the development and use of an integrated/comprehensive plan that sets multi-year goals and objectives for the EMA or TGA and serves as the foundation for the PC/PB's annual planning cycle.  Plan development, implementation, progress assessment, and updating are a joint effort of the PC/PB and recipient, and the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans for 2017-2021 often reflect collaboration by RWHAP Part A and Part B programs and HIV prevention and care recipients.  The module explains the role played by the PC/PB and other bodies in RWHAP integrated/comprehensive planning.

To what extent was the overall purpose of this module met? *This question is required.
Who have you trained using these materials?  Who was your audience?  (select all that apply) *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. (select one response per row) *This question is required.
Space Cell Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly agree
I found the materials to be useful for my planning council or planning body.
I found these materials to be relevant to the needs of my planning council or planning body.
I am personally likely to use these materials.
Members of my planning council or planning body are likely to use these materials.
I had enough materials to answer questions that I received from my training audience.
These materials engaged the audience in the discussion of the topic.